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Network Black Hole sends IP block lists to your network routers,
implementing the "remotely-triggered routing black hole" (RTBH) technique,
to protect your network from threats, spammers, scammers, botnets and more.

Benefits of using Network Black Hole

save resources and cost
Change management is often slow and consumes valuable company resources. Keeping the filters on the edge of your network is a time consuming process. Automate this task by receiving filters over BGP and focus on what is important for your organization.
wide range of filters
Available filters include networks identified as threats, spammers, TOR exit nodes, bogons, botnet C&C nodes, whole countries, selected companies, ASNs, pornographic content and others.
quality filter data
Our filters are available in both IPv4 and IPv6 and they are updated daily. Special care is taken so that we never send you the default route or IP blocks that would compromise your network.
easy setup
The setup is quick and easy. Configuration templates are provided for most popular router platforms including Cisco, Juniper and RouterBoard (Mikrotik).

How it works

create a profile, select one or more filters that you want to receive and configure your edge routers to establish BGP peering with our route servers
Using BGP your edge routers receive prefixes from the filter(s) that you selected. The received prefixes have a well-known BGP community "blackhole" attached to them (65535:666 per RFC 7999).
Your edge routers automatically discard traffic destined for prefixes that they receive from BGP Filters, effectively blocking all communication to those networks
(optional) you can elevate Network Black Hole into a DDoS protection for your network by applying uRPF (unicast reverse path forwarding) check and dropping traffic to/from the networks listed in the filters you selected

Choose your plan and start today

1 BGP peer
1 BGP peering
non-commercial use
best effort support
5 BGP peers
2 BGP sessions per peer
NBD email support
1 month free trial
25 BGP peers
4 BGP sessions per peer
priority support
1 month free trial
Interested in more BGP peers, private peering servers in locations of your choice, on-prem instance, API for integration with your IDS or more?
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